Using Web Disk

Web Disk is an application which allows you to easily drag and drop files to your hosting account, using your computer's operating system.

To use Web Disk, first you need to login to your cPanel account and then follow this guide.

1. Click on the 'Web Disk' icon, which can be found in the Files section of your cPanel home screen.

2. In the 'Login' field enter the username you wish to use.

3. In the 'Password' field enter your password.

4. In the 'Password (Again)' field re-enter your new password.

Note: You will see the strength of your password, if you are unable to think of a secure password, we suggest that you click the Password Generator button and use its suggestion.

5. Click the 'Create' button to create your web disk account.

6. Click the 'Go Back' link, your new account will be listed under the Web Disk Account Management section.

7.  Click the 'Access Web Disk' link of your new account.

8. From the drop downs, choose your operating system.

9. Save the file to your desktop and then double click it to launch Web Disk.

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