Using Image Manager Scaler

The Image Manager Scaler will resize an individual image by allowing you to enter percentages to scale the image up or down.

To use Image Manager Scaler, first you need to login to your cPanel account and then follow this guide.

1. Click on the 'Image Manager' icon, which can be found in the Advanced section of your cPanel home screen.

2. Click on the 'Image Scaler' link.

3. Click on a 'Folder' icon to navigate to the directory which contains the image you want to rescale.

4. Click on the 'Name of the Image' you want to rescale.

5. You can either rescale the image by

a) Entering new width and height values, in pixels, in the 'New Dimensions' fields or

b) You can enter percentage values in the 'Percent' boxes.

Note: We recommend you keep the 'Keep Aspect Ratio' checked to avoid distorting the new image and that you save a copy of the original.

6. Click on the 'Scale Image' button to save the new image.

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